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15 April
A reminder that all Honours Students are required to present their research at the School of Sport and Exercise Science Post-graduate Research Conference being held on Monday 26 September, 9am-4pm at the City Flinders Campus (level 11). Honours students will be presenting in the morning sessions, and there will be two streams running at the same time. Presentations will be oral communications of 10 minutes duration with 5 minutes question time.

All students will be required to submit an abstract relating to their presentation, as per usual conference proceedings. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and published in a Conference Proceedings booklet which will be available at the conference. More details to follow.


1 April
See below for two research presentations in the School next week.

Wednesday 6th M008 1-2pm
Dr Hanna Vehmas
Sport in Finland: presents how sport is organised and practised in Finland. The lecture discusses the social significance of sport in Finland from the historical and current points of view.

Thursday 7th L114 10-11.30am
Dr Hanna Vehmas
Globalisation of Sport:  Finnish perspective deals with the definition of globalisation and how this can be applied to sport and particularly to sport in Finland. Issues of internationalisation, westernisation, liberal economy and de-territorialism will be looked at through the examples of sport in Finland.


31 March

Here is the brochure for the sport and exercise science conference being held at VU on 7-9 April, 2011. Attendance is free but you will need to register. The conference presents research from VU, and two of the University's international partners, the German Sports University and the University of Western Ontario. Students who attend will receive a certificate that can be included in their Honours portfolio.

15 March

If you missed the EndNote workshop in February, see below for two workshops being offered to students by the library. Book directly through the library via link listed.


Beginners EndNote workshops

This session introduces participants to the basics of Endnote, and includes hands-on training.

 Tuesday 22nd March 2011
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM
City Flinders Library & Learning Commons, Level 15 Training Room
Presenter: Peter Ring

Wednesday 23rd March 2011             
9:30 AM to 12 NOON
Footscray Park Library, P307
Presenter: Cameron Barrie

 Bookings essential:

Please note we are using a new registration system. Click on the workshop title you wish to register for, ie. Beginners EndNote, and then select the session you want and click on ‘Register’.

You will then be asked to enter your student or staff ID number (no ‘s’ or ‘e’) and your Library PIN (first-time users the default PIN is date of birth – ddmmyyyy).

On the next screen you are asked to check the details to make sure you have registered for the correct session, then click Submit. You will then receive a confirmation email.

If you need to cancel your registration, log into ‘My Library’ from the Library Home page and click on ‘My Programs’ and cancel the program.

 If you are reading this via Webmail you might need to copy and paste the URL into your browser for it to open at the right web page or look for the ‘Library Training’ link on the Library Home page

 EndNote X4.0.2 installation disks are available at campus library service desks – you can borrow these overnight to take home and install. For campus computers, you can install via the shortcut to ‘Add Standard Software’ or you can Go to: Start > Settings > Control Panel, and from the list of options select ‘Run advertised programs’ or ‘Add or Remove Programs’. EndNote X4.0.2 is one of the programs you can run from this list. NB It is always advised that you uninstall a previous version of a program before installing the latest.


7 March
I've just redone the link to the ethics application form, so if you were having difficulties downloading it, you will be able to download it now.

Here is the list of student presentations for the next four weeks. Note: I have arranged for a laptop and projector for the room so presentations can be done on PowerPoint.


9 March Lachlan Grieve
  Jarrod Kerris

Ramon Rodriguez-Anderson

16 March Katie McDonald
  Lauren Camelleri
  Kristal Hammond
  Jaclyn Copley
23 March Aaron Hutchinson
  Elise Brentnall
  Ashley Humphrey
  Brendan Lazarus
  Ashley Humphrey
  Dean Filopoulos
30 March  Tom Quine
  John Floros
  Jesse Campisi

24 February
HI All, just a reminder that regular honours seminars start next week on 2 March which is the first week of semester 1. The seminars during semester are being held in L207, 11am-1pm. Refer to the manual for the seminar schedule.

13 February
A reminder that the Intensive Training Sessions for weeks  3 and 4 have been switched. The session being held on 16 Feb will be the two workshops at the library and the session on Research Ethics will be held in week 4.
For the library workshops this week, meet in the foyer of the library on the ground floor and someone from the library will meet you there. Make sure you're there by 1pm at the latest. If you're late, you'll need to ask at the library service desk where the workshop with Pam Thomas  is being held.